8. Average Rating 5.0 (1 Total Vote)
Swap the positions of two Cartoon Trucks to align three or more in a row, where you need to group the balls of the identical hue in a sequence of three pieces or more to reach the maximum score possible. Be cautious to monitor the scale on the left, as it should not drop too low; otherwise, the game will conclude. Enjoy!
Utilize the mouse exclusively to engage in this game.
How do I swap the Cartoon Trucks?
To interchange the Cartoon Trucks, simply click on the first truck and then the second truck you wish to switch it with.
What happens if I let the scale drop too low?
If the scale on the left drops too low, the game will end, and you will need to restart.
Can I play this game on mobile devices?
This game is designed for mouse use primarily, but you may try using touch controls on a mobile device if available.
What should I do if I’m stuck?
If you find yourself unable to make any moves, consider using different strategies to rearrange the balls until a combination can be made.
Last updated 2024-08-23 UTC.