City of Billiards
City of Billiards
  • City of Billiards

8. Average Rating 5.0 (1 Total Vote)

In the City of Billiards, you are exhibiting billiards performances in different areas of the metropolis as a pool aficionado. The configuration of the billiard spheres becomes varied and increasingly challenging as you progress through the stages. You can modify the direction, velocity, and angle of the cue with precision. By tweaking the point of contact on the ball, you can achieve more precise shots. Compete across 20 unique stages without exceeding the allotted number of strokes provided to you. Enjoy!

Game is played using the MOUSE.


What skills are required to play this game?

You need to have good hand-eye coordination and an understanding of angles to excel in this billiards game.

Can I play this game on mobile devices?

Currently, this game is designed to be played on desktop computers with a mouse.

How many levels are included in the game?

There are a total of 20 distinct levels for you to conquer.

What happens if I exceed the number of hits?

If you surpass the designated number of hits, you will not be able to complete that level.

Is there a time limit for each level?

There is no specific time limit for completing each level; take your time to aim and shoot carefully.

Last updated 2024-08-18 UTC.