Clash of Heroes
Clash of Heroes
  • Clash of Heroes

8. Average Rating 5.0 (1 Total Vote)

Assemble your squad and assault rival realms, vanquish the enemy forces, demolish their fortresses, and guide your team to triumph.
Each conquest will reward you with accolades, proficiency, and riches, allowing you to enhance your warriors and your stronghold to confront ever more formidable foes.
Roam through diverse regions and seize them all! Enjoy yourself!

Build a hand with a minimum of 3 champions, then select a level to engage.
During the conflict, select a card from your hand, click on it, and move it to the battlefield; if you possess sufficient points to summon the champion, they will emerge.

### FAQ

How do I create my team?

To create your team, gather your favorite heroes and formulate a strategy to use their unique abilities effectively in battle.

What are the rewards for winning battles?

Victories yield medals, experience points, and gold that you can use to enhance your troops and fortifications.

How can I upgrade my troops?

You can upgrade your troops by spending the gold and experience points you accumulate through victories.

What happens if I run out of points during battle?

If you run out of points, you will be unable to summon new heroes until you regain enough points through gameplay actions.

Can I play with friends?

Yes, you can collaborate with friends or challenge them to see who can conquer territories more effectively.

Last updated 2024-08-18 UTC.