8. Average Rating 5.0 (1 Total Vote)
You can generate “CHALLENGE” text quickly by moving and placing the letters in the proper sequence before the timer runs out.
You need to be swift to complete this text.
Enjoy! Have a great time!
Move and place the letters into designated blocks.
How do I play the game?
To participate in the game, simply drag the letters to the appropriate positions before the timer expires.
What happens if I run out of time?
If the timer runs out before you finish, your attempt will not be counted, and you’ll need to restart.
Can I practice before competing?
Yes, you can practice by setting a slower timer or working with a simpler word.
What devices can I use to play?
You can play this game on any device that supports drag-and-drop functionality, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones.
Last updated 2024-08-21 UTC.