Foody Avenue
Foody Avenue
  • Foody Avenue

8. Average Rating 5.0 (1 Total Vote)

This is a mock-up game focused on constructing and overseeing a venture in this sector to gain popularity.

Update: Resolve unresponsive screen when advertisements are absent. Enjoy!

Tap and interact.
Strive to ensure each patron is satisfied by fulfilling their desires.


What is the main objective of the game?

The primary goal is to build and manage a successful business while ensuring customer satisfaction to gain popularity.

How do I resolve issues with frozen screens?

If you experience a frozen screen, make sure to update the game to the latest version, which includes fixes for advertisements not displaying properly.

What actions can I perform in the game?

You can click and tap on various elements to manage your business, interact with customers, and cater to their needs.

How can I make customers happy?

You can make customers happy by meeting their requests and providing them with a positive experience in your establishment.

Last updated 2024-08-30 UTC.