Granny House
Granny House
  • Granny House

8. Average Rating 5.0 (1 Total Vote)

Flee the deserted psychiatric hospital without the malevolent horror Granny spotting you. Glide quietly, ensuring there is no sound, and steer clear of Granny to make your getaway. Enjoy!

• WASD to navigate
• Space bar to leap
• Left Shift to sprint


What is the objective of the game?

The aim is to escape the abandoned asylum while avoiding detection by the terrifying Granny.

How do I move around in the game?

You can move using the WASD keys on your keyboard.

What should I do if I make a noise?

If you make a sound, you should quickly hide or change your position to avoid being discovered by Granny.

Can I jump in this game?

Yes, you can jump using the space bar to navigate obstacles or escape situations.

Is there a way to run faster?

Yes, you can sprint by holding down the Left Shift key while moving.

Last updated 2024-08-23 UTC.