Hoops Champ 3D
Hoops Champ 3D
  • Hoops Champ 3D

8. Average Rating 5.0 (1 Total Vote)

Engage in this thrilling basketball experience.
Over 200+ unique stages await you.
A demanding arcade-style basketball adventure.

Featuring over 6 distinct venues.
Let’s slam dunk some hoops! Enjoy!

Swipe and score!


How many levels are there in the game?

There are more than 200 unique levels to explore.

What type of game is it?

It’s an arcade-style basketball game that offers challenging gameplay.

Are there different locations in the game?

Yes, there are over 6 different venues to enjoy.

How do I play?

You can swipe on your device to perform dunks and score points!

Last updated 2024-08-19 UTC.