8. Average Rating 5.0 (1 Total Vote)
In this adventure, being the fourth installment of the Kingdom of Ninja franchise, endeavor to conquer the stages featuring 20 distinct and arduous challenges alongside numerous formidable foes. Stay vigilant, as perilous projectiles are scattered throughout, and you might find yourself unable to finish a level at any moment. Beware of the creatures; they lurk in every corner.
Enjoy your quest!
“Z” Leap + “Arrow key” Navigate / Mobile Tap Control
What is the objective of the game?
The main goal of the game is to progress through various levels while overcoming enemies and obstacles to reach the end.
How many levels are in the game?
There are a total of 20 unique and challenging levels to complete.
What controls do I need to know?
You can jump using the “Z” key and move using the arrow keys; if you’re on mobile, utilize touch controls.
Are there any tip to avoid monsters more easily?
Stay alert and utilize both skillful movement and strategic timing to evade monsters effectively.
Last updated 2024-08-20 UTC.