Matryoshka Rush
Matryoshka Rush
  • Matryoshka Rush

8. Average Rating 5.0 (1 Total Vote)

Did you know that the largest collection of Russian dolls comprises 51 components?
Now, you are tasked with crafting your own assortment of Russian dolls in various dimensions.
Keep in mind the primary guideline – the new Russian doll’s size must remain within the red boundary.
Aim to establish new personal achievements, and you might just surpass the record held by the Guinness World Records. Enjoy yourself!

Simply press and hold the left mouse button to determine the size of the subsequent Russian doll.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are Russian dolls?

Russian dolls, or Matryoshka dolls, are a set of wooden dolls that nest within one another and are typically painted in distinctive patterns.

Is there a specific way to create a Russian doll?

While there are traditional methods of crafting Russian dolls, you can freely design yours with unique styles and dimensions as long as it fits within the established guidelines.

How can I set a new personal record with my Russian dolls?

You can try creating the largest set by ensuring your dolls fit seamlessly inside one another while trying to exceed your previous best.

What happens if I break the existing record?

If you manage to surpass a record, you can submit your achievement to the Guinness World Records for verification and potentially earn official recognition!

Last updated 2024-08-28 UTC.