8. Average Rating 5.0 (1 Total Vote)
This narrative revolves around a combatant from Earth who strives to rescue the planet by vanquishing beings from the planet Kaz, and extracting their remains to restore the energy that was siphoned from Earth by these creatures. It also encompasses the retribution of Earth’s inhabitants against the Kaz creatures following their previous invasion of Earth. Enjoy!
Keyboard commands:
Jump = W
Left = A
Right = D
Fire = Left Click Mouse
Aim = Cursor Position
Cooldown Refresh = C
Ability Card 1 = 1
Ability Card 2 = 2
Ability Card 3 = 3
Dash left = double-tap A
Dash right = double-tap D
What is the main objective of the game?
The primary goal is to eliminate the creatures from planet Kaz and reclaim the energy they absorbed from Earth.
How do I control my character?
You can move your character using the W, A, and D keys, along with mouse clicks to shoot.
What does each skill card do?
Each skill card corresponds to a unique ability that can aid you in your battle against the Kaz creatures, with three cards available for activation.
Can I dash in both directions?
Yes, you can dash left by double-tapping the A key, and dash right by double-tapping the D key.
Last updated 2024-08-30 UTC.