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The drowsy princess is expecting twins! Dial for an ambulance and ensure the princess stays hydrated and receives enough oxygen while you wait. To help her unwind, contact the prince before time slips away. A few gentle kisses will certainly uplift the soon-to-be mother. Once you arrive at the hospital, you’ll encounter two adorable infants. Tend to them by changing their diapers and nourishing them. Before long, the new family will be back home, thriving and joyful! Enjoy the game!
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How can I ensure the princess stays calm during her delivery?
Ensure that she has a comfortable environment, keeps hydrated, and receives emotional support from loved ones.
What should I do if the babies cry?
Check their diaper, try to feed them, or gently rock them to soothe them.
When can the family return home after the birth?
The family can return home once both the mother and babies are stable and healthy, as evaluated by medical staff.
How do I play the game effectively?
Pay attention to the instructions, manage your time wisely, and provide care to the princess and her babies as needed.
Last updated 2024-08-27 UTC.