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Snakes and Ladders is an age-old Indian tabletop game considered a global classic today. It is played among two or more participants on a game board featuring numbered, grid-like squares. Several “ladders” and “snakes” are illustrated on the board, each linking two specific squares. The aim of the game is to guide your playing piece, based on die rolls, from the beginning (bottom square) to the conclusion (top square), aided or obstructed by ladders and snakes, respectively. Enjoy!
Press “space” on your keyboard or click/touch the “roll” button to toss the dice.
What is the objective of Snakes and Ladders?
The goal of Snakes and Ladders is to be the first player to reach the top square of the board, using dice rolls to navigate the grid and encountering ladders and snakes along the way.
How many players can participate?
The game can be played by two or more players, making it a fun and engaging experience for groups of friends or family.
How do you play the game?
To play, each participant takes turns rolling the dice and moving their game piece forward the number of squares indicated by the roll. If you land on a square with a ladder, you can climb up to a higher square. Conversely, landing on a snake’s head means you’ll slide down to a lower square.
What should I do to roll the dice?
You can roll the dice by pressing the “space” bar on your keyboard or by clicking/touching the “roll” button on the screen.
Last updated 2024-08-29 UTC.