Splash Colors
Splash Colors
  • Splash Colors

8. Average Rating 5.0 (1 Total Vote)

Splash Hue is an exciting game where you aim to obliterate translucent bubbles using colored spheres. From the upper part of the screen, translucent bubbles with varying colored lines descend, and you must eliminate the bubble using the sphere of the corresponding hue. You are allowed 3 misses before the game concludes.
Enjoy yourself! Enjoy yourself!

Utilize your mouse to engage in the game or tap on the display!


What is the objective of Splash Hue?

The aim of Splash Hue is to destroy the translucent bubbles by using colored spheres that match the color of the bubbles.

How do you control the game?

You can control the game using your mouse or by tapping on the screen.

How many misses do you have before losing the game?

Players have a total of 3 misses before the game ends.

Is there a time limit for the game?

No, there is no specific time limit; the game continues until you miss 3 times.

Are there any power-ups available in the game?

The game focuses on matching colors without any specified power-ups, enhancing the challenge with every bubble that falls.

Last updated 2024-08-21 UTC.