8. Average Rating 5.0 (1 Total Vote)
You have 24 stages. Choose 1 out of 3 characters and embark on an expedition. Be cautious of the undead and navigate through barriers to achieve your objective.
You need to gather 3 keys to complete each stage. Enjoy!
Keyboard controls for desktop. Tap on mobile.
What types of characters can I choose from?
You can select from three distinct characters, each with unique abilities and traits.
How do I control the game on a desktop?
You can use the keyboard for navigation and actions during gameplay.
Is there a way to play on mobile devices?
Yes, you can simply touch the screen for controls while playing on mobile.
How many keys do I need to collect in each level?
You need to collect a total of 3 keys to successfully complete each level.
Are there checkpoints in the game?
Yes, there are checkpoints throughout the levels to help you if you encounter difficulties.
Last updated 2024-08-26 UTC.